The Grad Class Association
The association welcomes all prospective members and encourages new members to take an active part in the activities of the association.
If you would like to join the association, please fill out the membership application form (available from the side menu) and return it along with payment to our membership secretary at the address on the bottom of the form.
Being a member of the Association offers all the benefits expected from a friendly, well established class association.
Membership allows you to compete in Graduate Open Meetings throughout the UK, including National, Northern and Southern Championships.
Grad Tidings, the class magazine, provides up to date news on class events and developments.
Membership also allows access to members-only parts of this website, including the Graduate Forum, Grad Dinghy Database and every piece of Graduate advice and documentation that we can upload. Also there is an active, Graduate Fan Club, Facebook group, where members discuss class topics.
Boat measurement can be arranged if required (Rooster, Morgan and Harper boats, amongst others are covered by in-house measurement). Sails can be measured by any ISAF registered sail measurer.
Have your say in the development of the Graduate.
For further details and membership application please contact:
The Graduate Dinghy Association, Mr Roger Cherrill, 1 Hill Close, Purley, Surrey. CR8 1JR
Tel: 020 3340 3962 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.